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  • Classification:Ferronickel

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  • Date:2024/06/04
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The main components of nickel-iron are nickel and iron, and an iron alloy containing a small amount of cobalt. Ferronickel also contains impurities such as carbon, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, chromium, and copper.

Uses: Used as an alloy element additive in the steelmaking industry to improve the bending strength and hardness of steel. In cast iron, it can make its structure uniform and increase its density. It can also be used as nickel-containing or nickel-containing chromium cast iron rolls and other castings. Alloy additives. The largest use of nickel is the production of stainless steel and heat-resistant steel, followed by the production of alloy structural steel and alloy cast iron. In the steel industry, ferronickel has been used to replace part of the metallic nickel. With the development of steelmaking and cast iron technology, nickel oxide is also used in special steel and alloy cast iron instead of part of metallic nickel.




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